With this thing called "free time" ahead of me in the form of a winter break from school I've come to the realization I no longer have hobbies. School has completely consumed my life to the point that I have forgotten all other interests I once had.
This concerns me a bit because I feel hobbies are a reflection of my interests, which stem from my values and ideologies that define who I am. When I no longer express myself through such activities I fear I lose a bit of myself, who then do I become but a body, where is my soul?
I used to knit a lot, read for pleasure, write, and swim. Once upon a time I played music, and went for bike rides, played chess, and went for hikes. Then there are the things I used to want to get into like film and photography, cooking, and learning how to ride a unicycle. My life consists of school, studying, and surfing (which I don't consider a hobby, rather essential to retain sanity).
There are exciting times ahead for me as I rediscover, and find new activities and interests to engage in, as well as think about all the things I could do with an English major.