If moments will not last, and now I am here
And music is to dance as i am to feel,
These are the days I am to love
There is only one I am thinking of.
Left am I here, in a sea of ache
Where cruel intentions form and bare
No harm I hope on those I love
But to I, I don't mind to deeply cut
To feel alone is in itself, loss of hope
And liquid help, to numb what is left
And unknown is what to do
All I want is to be with you.
I have lived, I have loved, and you I will choose.
But your wish was to much, and I am to lose
What I want is not what I will get,
Again I will spend a lonely night with no end.
I mean not to make you feel any pain
I have drank to the bottom, and should refrain
These words I have spoke, though true, usually contained,
But the liquid poured, I have let flow the decay
I am left still,
and now
I am