School has been busy, and all over the place, the days have been filled with: Orienteering, birding, GPS certification, horticulture, gardening, coast and stream surveys, soil and site surveys, and getting my pleasure craft boating license (test results pending), among other fun things. All in preparation for the week long camping trip next week.
But oddly I am not really looking forward to it.
I am a bit upset with myself for not being as excited about this spring semester as I ought to be. This is suppose to be the BEST part of my program yet I am letting it go by without really enjoying myself to the full potential.
And i can't really figure out why.
Part of me feels it's just the absurd amount of gravel and antihistamines I've been taking that always make me feel off and not myself.
But another part of me says it's because I would much rather be living somewhere that I can surf everyday, and have a real break from school.
These long lit days seem to pass in a blurrrrr, but they just can't go fast enough.
I'm not sure where time has gone, or where I am going.
Life as I know it is going to be changing very soon, I am anxious, and most excited all at once.
I leave for Denman Island so soon. I want to leave now.
A tent in a secluded meadow awaits my arrival for the two months of summer I am allowed.
I've just finished reading Longitude by Dava Sobel.
The long pursuit for time at sea is Riveting.
John Harrison is a Boss.
The opportunities in which he opened this world to is fascinating.
Great sea voyages such as those of James Cook or Darwin's discoveries that created and defined our history may not have been the same or even successful without Harrison's "curious watch".
I highly recommend it.