Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hey Summer

I feel silly looking back on recent posts, for as much as I miss those back home, I am having a most excellent summer here on Denman Island. Living an easy island life, really I can not complain, but must appreciate this much needed break from school. For I spend my days listening to CBC on the radio while drinking coffee, and watering the green house. I bike to the lake and play on rope swings while getting a tan. I hitchhike to the cafe to read book after book, drink fabulous coffee and write my wife letters. Saturdays I go to the market and eat local goodies or find treasures in the free store. I frequent the beach often where I practice tying knots, and find myself wondering the forest at some point during the day. Or sit on the porch and play with the cats. So life is great, and I am happy, and so lucky to be able to have such a summer