I uncovered some old notebooks filled with small poems and anecdotes I managed to scribble down as the thoughts passed. To show them here gives them life and light finally, as I was too shy to share them at the time. As I attempt to unravel my half thought words and horrible writing, more will be shared.
She stops to wonder where and why she's going.
Looks around to see what's going on,
Everything is happening. All the time.
Matter is moving,
She is moving.
And in easy dreams she sleeps. Finally. Wordless thoughts tonight; Pictures and images say everything that needs to be heard. Colours express emotion.
Bright: innocence/Dim: disappointment.
She's learning this new language. Decoding everything piece by piece. Her thoughts are her visual puzzle, telling a story on mute. A new way to listen.
She's elegant and swine.
The times she whispers,
Slits down your spine.
Her black streak lined with lace,
But she'll always smile
to your beloved face.