Yesterday I feel into a world of sleep, entwined in flannel, kitty cats, and a bus load of Z's.
It started with sleep and ended with sleep.
A drawn out sleep-in before meeting the morning, and coffee and bailey's with Kim and Kase. Geography, geology, gym. Helped Kim with a rogue move out of hell, and a delicious lunch was devoured after the hull was done.
This is when it really started; upon arriving home at 5pm I thought I'd have a little nap before I dove into the world of biofilms and ended up sleeping from 5-11pm. Waking up to see my nap turned into a full on sleep was at first refreshing, which only lasted a heartbeat as alarm picked up it's pace. Flipping open my laptop in attempt to start researching bacteria colonies did not last very long before I surrendered back into the waves of comfort and warmth calling my name and tugging at the tired strings pulling me down. Down to a slumber that was much needed.
This morning however I feel well rested, and full of delicious breakfast and coffee. Feeling ready to conquer an assignment dwelled upon for too long, and I have a geology field trip to look forward to this afternoon at least!