Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bearing Off

This debby-downer mood is clinging like a greasy flim all over my body, and will not wash.
I find myself in a constant state of unease, and flooded with anxiety.
I feel uncomfortable, replaced, and unwanted.
There's a burning inside I can't put out, and everyday it grows, and will soon engulf me whole.

I have so much coming up, loose ends to tie, good-byes to say, with adventures ahead.
I'm stressed
I'm nervous
I'm excited
I'm going to vomit.

My last day of work is tomorrow
I don't no where I am going to live in September
I miss my kitty-cat already
I'm scared my friends are tired of me
I'm moving in < 2 weeks
I'm overwhelmed

I feel like I'm falling apart a little bit at a time,
at the seams, stich by stich.
I'm all over the place, scattered pieces
Bearing off route
a little bit lost.
a little bit loney.
I need to stop