Sunday, January 30, 2011

Old Poetry.

I uncovered some old notebooks filled with small poems and anecdotes I managed to scribble down as the thoughts passed. To show them here gives them life and light finally, as I was too shy to share them at the time.  As I attempt to unravel my half thought words and horrible writing, more will be shared.

She stops to wonder where and why she's going.
Looks around to see what's going on,
Everything is happening. All the time.
Matter is moving,
She is moving.

And in easy dreams she sleeps. Finally. Wordless thoughts tonight; Pictures and images say everything that needs to be heard. Colours express emotion.
Bright: innocence/Dim: disappointment.
She's learning this new language. Decoding everything piece by piece. Her thoughts are her visual puzzle, telling a story on mute. A new way to listen.

She's elegant and swine.
The times she whispers,
Slits down your spine.
Her black streak lined with lace,
But she'll always smile
to your beloved face.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Yesterday I feel into a world of sleep, entwined in flannel, kitty cats, and  a bus load of Z's.
It started with sleep and ended with sleep.
A drawn out sleep-in before meeting the morning, and coffee and bailey's with Kim and Kase. Geography, geology, gym. Helped Kim with a rogue move out of hell, and a delicious lunch was devoured after the hull was done.
This is when it really started; upon arriving home at 5pm I thought I'd have a little nap before I dove into the world of biofilms and ended up sleeping from 5-11pm. Waking up to see my nap turned into a full on sleep was at first refreshing, which only lasted a heartbeat as alarm picked up it's pace. Flipping open my laptop in attempt to start researching bacteria colonies did not last very long before I surrendered back into the waves of comfort and warmth calling my name and tugging at the tired strings pulling me down. Down to a slumber that was much needed.

This morning however I feel well rested, and full of delicious breakfast and coffee. Feeling ready to conquer an assignment dwelled upon for too long, and I have a geology field trip to look forward to this afternoon at least!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I REALLY need to shower.

I am exhausted. Physically. Note to self: do NOT go to the gym after school, when you know you have a dance class that evening. Lesson learned. Pooped. The mad sprint to catch the bus after dance didn't make for a pleasent night cap either.
Happy to be home. Need to shower. Need to start microbiology paper, work on stats homework and finish lab, look at geology lab for tomorrow, and rest for personal training session tomorrow after school. Oh man what have I gotten myself into? Nothing a lot of coffee in the morning can't fix i am sure.
I don't have time for this right now, maybe tomorrow.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Newly Knit

The internal tumult between climbing to the summit or staying here to admire, with attention the mountain range commands at it's throne, is an undecided choice I myself cannot make.

     I have noticed myself thinking of the speed of time. It can be equal with accompanying sound; A spoken word leaves the mouth, and there time has gone with it, so quickly, so unnoticed. These are always the sweet maple syrup moments one enjoys the most. I have had many lately and thinking back now, everything is passing so quickly. I am enjoying myself immensely though, so I will think not of how fast time travels, but of how much fun I'm having.

     Last night I had my niece over for a sleepover. It was fantastic, and a much needed early bedtime. I went shopping with my sister this afternoon and purchased a new mineral powder from Sephora, and lipstick from MAC. I am in love with the new Sephora that opened here, it's so fun looking at all the makeup. I also watched Baz Luhrmann's interpretation of Romeo + Juliet. It's an all-time favourite and absolutely Brilliant. I got some knitting done this afternoon and finished a toque and some fingerless mittens(below) that I am in love with!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Smitten with my kitten.

As days pass my list of things to do grows.
This week it has been an exponential growth.
Today I got a good look at the beginning of what taking six courses REALLY means.
A whole lot of work. Not to mention a lot of money.
It's not a bad thing, just an observation, or rather realization.
Me realizing I can kiss my social life good-bye at any minute.
Or second, actually, there it goes. It's gone. Just like that.

The first half of this week has been really great. I prepared a plethora of agar plates for bacterium  culturing, including a soil sample from my compost. I thought there would be some bacteria of interest residing there.
I learned about the many many different types of maps, which I am fascinated by. 
I cooked a fairly impressive meal (by my standards) for a special someone.
My contemporary dance classes resumed, and we are working on my favourite choreography yet! I also think i am going to join my instructors company!
Today my afternoon was spent on the rocky beaches looking at rocks on a geology field trip, I went for lunch with The Pod at the Pink Bicycle, and my kitty cat (Carbon) moved in this evening. I even managed to get in a short run, and stats and geography reading too.

My days have been long but productive.
My mind is being expanded and imaginative.
My heart is curiously smitten.
And I am happily home with my kitten. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

More Birthday

     This morning feels like it was a whole nother day. I woke up and headed downtown to catch the train up island for my niece's 7th birthday party! The train was absolutely beautiful as always, it's my favourite way to travel. I got some school reading done that I needed to do, and my mother picked me up in Nanaimo. To my grandmother's we went for a belated birthday lunch, and my sister and niece met us there. My niece and I share a birthday and today was the day of her party. We went glow bowling with a bunch of her friends from school it was really great! I dressed up in my bear suit (Paws) and played with the kids and brought Araya(my niece) I bunch of colourful helium balloons. I have also eaten SO much birthday cake today! Such a good day. I got a ride home this evening, and happened to pick up my dear friend Aleesha on the way home which was delightful to see her and visit for the hour and a half drive.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Uncharted Territory

     I spent part of the afternoon with a dear friend of mine, who I haven't seen in a while. We caught up over decaffeinated chai tea in my petite kitchen. "What's new?" was asked of me and well, dating is a new activity I have been engaging in. So, being a single 21 year old lady, I shared some of my recent dates, and the discussion of the "first date" unfolded. Where does one go on a first date? For dinner? Lunch? Coffee? Who pays? Should I expect him to pay? Is he expecting, that I'm expecting him to pay? If we split the bill does that mean he's not into me? How long do I stay? What do I do if it isn't going well? What if it is going well?
     So many questions, and I have no answers. It was somewhat comforting though to know that my single 21 year old male friend also didn't have answers to these questions and that we are all lost in this awkward fun world of dating.   

     I started thinking on my own, of what a 'perfect' date would be to me. Not necessarily a first date, but just a date in general.
-I enjoy simple things like making dinner opposed to going out, and staying in and playing Scrabble, chess, or any other board game really, the two former being favourites.
-In the summer, with warm weather, I love picnics outside by the ocean or in a field somewhere. With cheese, fruit and wine. Maybe read some poetry aloud (something I enjoy doing when home alone).
-Being in the forest for any reason is ALWAYS a sure way to make me the happiest.
-I also LOVE going to the museum and IMAX movies, or the classic dinner and a movie is always nice, although rather expensive.

     The dating world is so odd to me. I have never really been in this position before in my life. It makes me feel old, and similar to characters in Hollywood movies about the middle aged women who live by themselves and have no luck with love. I am however not middle aged, in a Hollywood movie, or really looking for "love" . I not looking for anything, I'm just letting it happen and seeing where that takes me; 'it' being life that is.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New classes, new faces.

     First day back in the classroom. It almost feels as if the last three weeks off didn't happen. Back to the books. Did Christmas, New Years, and my birthday really already go by? No student loan yet. I think my winter break was a hallucination, or maybe a just dreamt it. Okay enough lying to myself;To be honest, I am happy to be back.

     I am also excited about my classes too. I wasn't looking forward to statistics, but I really like my instructor, and I think i forgot how much I enjoy math, it's been a few years since I've taken any math classes. I am not really into microbiology; I am just not very interested in things that I can't see with the naked eye. During my four hour break I registered for my contemporary dance class (so excited!), and briefly went to the gym and stretched a bit. My only other class today was English: Communications. I looking forward to being in an English class again too, it's a technical writing course as well which is something I really need to work on.

    This evening, after finishing some readings, I headed over to Stefy's  for a delicious dinner she cook for us, and I peered over her shoulder to learn a few things. Now I am trying to decide if I want to jump in the pool and do some laps tonight or just curl up in my flannel sheets and call it a night.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Birthday Day!

Today is my 21st Birthday!
It's also David Bowie's Birthday (and Elvis Presley and Steven Hawking)
Today will be a good day

Friday, January 7, 2011

Cathedral Grove.

This is where I like to play.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Busy Bee

I have been keeping quite busy the last few days; I'm trying to take advantage of what's left of my winter break!
The Royal BC Museum has a really neat Natural History exhibit on now that I went to with a friend the other day. It was basically my biology lab all over again, with jars upon jars of different specimens and taxidermy animals, all organized into different groupings that I understood, which was so great to actually apply knowledge I learned at school! Speaking of school, I can't wait to get back to the books. My classes this semester all sound really interesting:
-Environmental Microbiology
-Physical Geography
-Map & Air Photo interpretation
-Physical Geology
-English: Communications 
With six classes and five of those having labs I think I won't have much of a social life. I'm not sure what I would do without The Pod (The amazing group of people who are also in the Environmental Technology program with me).

I also dipped into the pool again last night, and gosh it felt great. How I've missed my water legs, and noodle arms. School starting again also means dance will be starting again and I really can't wait for that!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dinner Party

Ahhhhhh, today it rains. How refreshed one feels after being outside in such weather.

Last night I had my first little dinner party. Two of the loveliest ladies came over(Hannah and Riley), and a delicious fish dinner was served, with many thanks to Hannah for cooking said fish; I steamed asparagus, and baked yams. Besides having only enough cutlery for two, and only one large plate, and two chairs, we manged and it was so nice to have special people in my special space.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


      The morning was left unadmired as I laid in bed until the sun reached directly above me. I could leave not the warmth of flannel embrace, or stop reading sonnets of an adored poet to see the beauty that was today. 
Eventually I managed to tear myself of such indulgences to start a low-key, lazy day. 
I spent a fair chunk of the afternoon here:
     Besides the tankers between me and the majestic mountains, I'd say it was close to perfect. Taking my two wheeler along the coast was a great way to "ring in" my MMXI. Upon returning to my humble abode I managed to boil some mung beans and use my new rice cooker, and put together a somewhat decent meal. Learning to cook for myself should be added to the list of resolutions. The rest of the evening will be lost to laundry, and a FASHION magazine, and some hot lemon ginger tea.