Monday, November 28, 2011

Additude Adjustment

School has really got me down lately so I thought I would comprise a list of things that make me happy to try and counter act the negative feelings I'm having towards school.

Puddle jumping after rainy days
Cozy toes in wool socks
Really big pom-poms
Extracting blackheads
Taking the wax off my surf board
Crossing things off To-Do lists
Picking hair out of the drain
Looking up flights to places I want to travel
Making homemade soup
Writing and sending letters
Receiving letters is great too
Curling up in flannel sheets and napping
Discovery coffee (beverages & people)
Riding the bus in the morning
Doing beach clean ups
Sucking pennies up with the vacuum
That vacuum has two U's in it
When my roommate bakes
Eating food from the garden
Putting Maple Syrup on everything
Day dreaming about my love life
Always calling people by their names when they're wearing name tags
Licking salt rocks (those pinks ones)
Poking fires with sticks
Watching marshmellows expand when you through then in the fire
Thinking about how there is a skeleton inside me
Post-surf nasal drip
Jumping in big Autumn leaf piles
Saying "Thank you driver" when I get off the bus
Getting pruney fingers from being in the water for a long time
When cats do silly things
Eating stale popcorn
Awkward moments
Getting jittery when I drink to much coffee

I feel much more relaxed, and in a better mood after thinking of all these things that make me happy. Mission accomplished.