Saturday, September 3, 2011

This is Where I Live

Good Morning Ocean.

My watch alarm beeped me awake at 8:02, beep, beep, beep. After grabbing pants, boiling water, hand grinding awful coffee, I lightly stepped the 2 minute walk to the beach with steaming bodum in one hand, the empty mug I found at the free store on Denman Island in the other. Walking down the sloping paved path, the smell of salty air hit my sleepy lungs, and I sucked back the sun through each pore of my skin.
Sitting on a concrete ledge, sipping on the hot brown liquid I watched the community of dogs, and dog walkers along the beach. They all seemed to know each other, five furred friends I saw at once playing with sticks and balls, in and out of the water, in and out of the water again. Their owners chat about them, about themselves, about each other. They all move on along the beach to start their days, as the sun continues to rise.